
Registered: Jan 2002
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New FreeBSD process scheduler available
Luigi Rizzo has implemented a weight-based process scheduler for FreeBSD-stable, and is in the process of porting it to -current.
[Full announcement]
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 16:31:57 -0700
From: Luigi Rizzo <>
To: arch@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: NEW SCHEDULER available (was Re: proposed changes to kern_switch.c and kern_synch.c)
as promised, a first version of the Proportional Share scheduler
that we developed is available at
These are for a recent -STABLE (i think any version from 4.4 should
work; the only 3 files modified are kern_synch.c, kern_switch.c and
proc.h, plus a one-line change to kern_exit.c).
I have tested it a little bit on a diskless system, and it seems
to survive running a full X session with the usual set of xterm,
netscape etc. while i do a "renice" of the processes and even switch
back and forth between schedulers. But do not trust this yet for a
production system!
The sysctl variable kern.scheduler controls the scheduler in use.
kern.scheduler=1 (default) selects Proportional Share
kern.scheduler=0 selects the Feedback Priority ("classic BSD")
You can switch between the two schedulers by changing the value of
the sysctl variable.
To change the "weight" associated to a process, use the "nice" and
"renice" commands. As usual, positive values (+1..+20) mean the
process will get a smaller share of the CPU, negative values (-1..-20)
will get a larger share. The actual weights (which control the
relative fraction of CPU cycles given to each process) are assigned
through a lookup table which maps the value to the range
1 ... 100 ... 1000 (min, normal, max weight).
The "old" scheduler (Feedback Priority) should be as robust and
stable as always, whereas there are still a few things to cleanup
in the Proportional Share scheduler, namely:
* I have not looked in detail at the SMP case, so do not run
it on an SMP kernel;
* given that there are no priorities, processes woken up by a
tsleep() are not guaranteed to run before all processes
with p_priority >= PUSER; however, they are given a shorter
deadline so they are likely to run first.
* RTPRI and IDLEPRI processes do not have yet any special treatment
(they all end up together with normal processes; this is trivial
to fix, i just haven't had time to look at that).
Have fun, and please if you use it let me know of any bugs and
possibly suggestions to adapt it to -current.
On Tue, Jul 16, 2002 at 11:52:16PM -0700, Luigi Rizzo wrote:
> Hi,
> we have implemented a weight-based process scheduler
> for FreeBSD-stable, and are trying to port it to -current (in the
> description below replace "process" with "thread/kse" as appropriate
> for the -current case).
> In order to make this work, it is convenient to have all
> scheduler-specific functions and data structures in a
> single file (kern_switch*.c), and generic support in
> another one (kern_synch.c). I believe this was also the original
> BSD design in partitioning the code between the two files.
> However, in our current code, there are some functions which
> are scheduler-specific (see below) which are misplaced.
> So I would like to make the following, purely cosmetic, change
> identified as step #1 below, both for consistency with what i
> believe to be the original design, and to simplify further work
> in this area. These would go to both -current and -stable; I
> repeat, they are only cosmetic changes.
> Comments ? I already spoke to julian who has no objections.
> For those interested, a patch for -current is attached, and the one
> for -stable is very similar (for the records, in -stable we have a
> fully functional weight-based process scheduler, where you still
> control the weights using "nice", and you can switch between the
> old and the new scheduler at any time using a sysctl variable).
> --- Re. the multi-scheduler architecture ---
> The general idea is to make the process/thread/kse scheduler
> a replaceable piece of the kernel, requiring no modifications
> to the "struct proc", and with the ability of switching from
> one scheduler to another one at runtime (this both for testing
> purposes and for whatever need may arise).
> The way to achieve this would be the following:
> 1. identify all scheduler-specific functions, put all of them
> in one file (e.g. kern_switch.c for the default scheduler),
> and define function pointers for all of them;
> 2. use one field in "struct proc" as a link to whatever
> scheduler-specific data structures are necessary.
> In -stable, we have the p_pad3 field that can be used
> for this purpose, much like the if_index field in struct ifnet.
> 3. implement a function which, under control of a sysctl call,
> activate a new scheduler (by initialising all the function
> pointers to appropriate values) and moves all processes from
> the old to the new one.
> Step #1 is basically a cosmetic change, requiring mostly a move of
> some functions from kern_synch.c to kern_switch.c. These are
> roundrobin();
> curpriority_cmp();
> resetpriority();
> parts of schedcpu() and schedclock();
> cheers
> luigi
> ----------------------------------
> Index: kern_switch.c
> ==================================================
> RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/sys/kern/kern_switch.c,v
> retrieving revision 1.33
> diff -u -r1.33 kern_switch.c
> --- kern_switch.c14 Jul 2002 03:43:33 -00001.33
> +++ kern_switch.c16 Jul 2002 22:15:06 -0000
> @@ -97,6 +97,7 @@
> #include <sys/mutex.h>
> #include <sys/proc.h>
> #include <sys/queue.h>
> +#include <sys/resourcevar.h>
> #include <machine/critical.h>
> @@ -107,6 +108,9 @@
> static struct runq runq;
> SYSINIT(runq, SI_SUB_RUN_QUEUE, SI_ORDER_FIRST, runq_init, &runq)
> +static struct callout roundrobin_callout;
> +
> +static voidroundrobin(void *arg);
> static void runq_readjust(struct runq *rq, struct kse *ke);
> / **************************************************
> * Functions that manipulate runnability from a thread perspective.*
> @@ -442,9 +446,13 @@
> {
> int i;
> +callout_init(&roundrobin_callout, 0);
> +
> bzero(rq, sizeof *rq);
> for (i = 0; i < RQ_NQS; i++)
> TAILQ_INIT(&rq->rq_queues[i]);
> +
> +roundrobin(NULL);
> }
> /*
> @@ -719,3 +727,207 @@
> }
> #endif
> +/*
> + * -- formerly in kern_synch.c
> + */
> +
> +int curpriority_cmp(struct thread *td);
> +
> +int
> +curpriority_cmp(struct thread *td)
> +{
> +return (td->td_priority - curthread->td_priority);
> +}
> +
> +/*
> + * Force switch among equal priority processes every 100ms.
> + * We don't actually need to force a context switch of the current process.
> + * The act of firing the event triggers a context switch to softclock() and
> + * then switching back out again which is equivalent to a preemption, thus
> + * no further work is needed on the local CPU.
> + */
> +/* ARGSUSED */
> +static void
> +roundrobin(arg)
> +void *arg;
> +{
> +
> +#ifdef SMP
> +mtx_lock_spin(&sched_lock);
> +forward_roundrobin();
> +mtx_unlock_spin(&sched_lock);
> +#endif
> +
> +callout_reset(&roundrobin_callout, sched_quantum, roundrobin, NULL);
> +}
> +
> +/* calculations for digital decay to forget 90% of usage in 5*loadav sec */
> +#define loadfactor(loadav) (2 * (loadav))
> +#define decay_cpu(loadfac, cpu) (((loadfac) * (cpu)) / ((loadfac) + FSCALE))
> +extern fixpt_t ccpu;
> +#define CCPU_SHIFT 11/* XXX dup from kern_synch.c! */
> +
> +/*
> + * Recompute process priorities, every hz ticks.
> + * MP-safe, called without the Giant mutex.
> + */
> +void schedcpu1(struct ksegrp *kg);
> +/* ARGSUSED */
> +void
> +schedcpu1(struct ksegrp *kg)
> +{
> +register fixpt_t loadfac = loadfactor(averunnable.ldavg[0]);
> +struct thread *td;
> +struct kse *ke;
> +int realstathz;
> +int awake;
> +
> + realstathz = stathz ? stathz : hz;
> +
> +awake = 0;
> +/*
> + * Increment time in/out of memory and sleep
> + * time (if sleeping). We ignore overflow;
> + * with 16-bit int's (remember them?)
> + * overflow takes 45 days.
> + */
> +/* XXXKSE **WRONG***/
> +/*
> + * the kse slptimes are not touched in wakeup
> + * because the thread may not HAVE a KSE
> + */
> +if ((ke->ke_state == KES_ONRUNQ) ||
> + ((ke->ke_state == KES_THREAD) &&
> + (ke->ke_thread->td_state == TDS_RUNNING))) {
> +ke->ke_slptime++;
> +} else {
> +ke->ke_slptime = 0;
> +awake = 1;
> +}
> +
> +/*
> + * pctcpu is only for ps?
> + * Do it per kse.. and add them up at the end?
> + * XXXKSE
> + */
> +ke->ke_pctcpu = (ke->ke_pctcpu * ccpu) >> FSHIFT;
> +/*
> + * If the kse has been idle the entire second,
> + * stop recalculating its priority until
> + * it wakes up.
> + */
> +if (ke->ke_slptime > 1) {
> +continue;
> +}
> +
> +ke->ke_pctcpu += (realstathz == 100) ?
> + ((fixpt_t) ke->ke_cpticks) <<
> + 100 * (((fixpt_t) ke->ke_cpticks) <<
> + (FSHIFT - CCPU_SHIFT)) / realstathz;
> +#else
> +ke->ke_pctcpu += ((FSCALE - ccpu) *
> + (ke->ke_cpticks * FSCALE / realstathz)) >>
> +#endif
> +ke->ke_cpticks = 0;
> +} /* end of kse loop */
> +if (awake == 0) {
> +kg->kg_slptime++;
> +} else {
> +kg->kg_slptime = 0;
> +}
> +kg->kg_estcpu = decay_cpu(loadfac, kg->kg_estcpu);
> +resetpriority(kg);
> +int changedqueue;
> +if (td->td_priority >= PUSER) {
> +/*
> + * Only change the priority
> + * of threads that are still at their
> + * user priority.
> + * XXXKSE This is problematic
> + * as we may need to re-order
> + * the threads on the KSEG list.
> + */
> +changedqueue =
> + ((td->td_priority / RQ_PPQ) !=
> + (kg->kg_user_pri / RQ_PPQ));
> +
> +td->td_priority = kg->kg_user_pri;
> +if (changedqueue &&
> + td->td_state == TDS_RUNQ) {
> +/* this could be optimised */
> +remrunqueue(td);
> +td->td_priority =
> + kg->kg_user_pri;
> +setrunqueue(td);
> +} else {
> +td->td_priority = kg->kg_user_pri;
> +}
> +}
> +}
> +}
> +
> +/*
> + * Compute the priority of a process when running in user mode.
> + * Arrange to reschedule if the resulting priority is better
> + * than that of the current process.
> + */
> +void
> +resetpriority(kg)
> +register struct ksegrp *kg;
> +{
> +register unsigned int newpriority;
> +struct thread *td;
> +
> +mtx_lock_spin(&sched_lock);
> +if (kg->kg_pri_class == PRI_TIMESHARE) {
> +newpriority = PUSER + kg->kg_estcpu / INVERSE_ESTCPU_WEIGHT +
> + NICE_WEIGHT * (kg->kg_nice - PRIO_MIN);
> +newpriority = min(max(newpriority, PRI_MIN_TIMESHARE),
> +kg->kg_user_pri = newpriority;
> +}
> +maybe_resched(td);/* XXXKSE silly */
> +}
> +mtx_unlock_spin(&sched_lock);
> +}
> +
> +#if 0
> +/*
> + * We adjust the priority of the current process. The priority of
> + * a process gets worse as it accumulates CPU time. The cpu usage
> + * estimator (p_estcpu) is increased here. resetpriority() will
> + * compute a different priority each time p_estcpu increases by
> + * (until MAXPRI is reached). The cpu usage estimator ramps up
> + * quite quickly when the process is running (linearly), and decays
> + * away exponentially, at a rate which is proportionally slower when
> + * the system is busy. The basic principle is that the system will
> + * 90% forget that the process used a lot of CPU time in 5 * loadav
> + * seconds. This causes the system to favor processes which haven't
> + * run much recently, and to round-robin among other processes.
> + */
> +void
> +schedclock(td)
> +struct thread *td;
> +{
> +struct kse *ke;
> +struct ksegrp *kg;
> +
> +KASSERT((td != NULL), ("schedlock: null thread pointer"));
> +ke = td->td_kse;
> +kg = td->td_ksegrp;
> +ke->ke_cpticks++;
> +kg->kg_estcpu = ESTCPULIM(kg->kg_estcpu + 1);
> +if ((kg->kg_estcpu % INVERSE_ESTCPU_WEIGHT) == 0) {
> +resetpriority(kg);
> +if (td->td_priority >= PUSER)
> +td->td_priority = kg->kg_user_pri;
> +}
> +}
> +#endif
> Index: kern_synch.c
> ==================================================
> RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/sys/kern/kern_synch.c,v
> retrieving revision 1.185
> diff -u -r1.185 kern_synch.c
> --- kern_synch.c14 Jul 2002 03:43:33 -00001.185
> +++ kern_synch.c16 Jul 2002 22:16:46 -0000
> @@ -67,6 +67,8 @@
> #include <machine/cpu.h>
> +voidschedcpu1(struct ksegrp *kg); /* XXX in kern_switch.c */
> +
> static void sched_setup(void *dummy);
> @@ -76,7 +78,6 @@
> static struct callout loadav_callout;
> static struct callout schedcpu_callout;
> -static struct callout roundrobin_callout;
> struct loadavg averunnable =
> { {0, 0, 0}, FSCALE };/* load average, of runnable procs */
> @@ -92,7 +93,6 @@
> static voidendtsleep(void *);
> static voidloadav(void *arg);
> -static voidroundrobin(void *arg);
> static voidschedcpu(void *arg);
> static int
> @@ -135,28 +135,6 @@
> }
> /*
> - * Force switch among equal priority processes every 100ms.
> - * We don't actually need to force a context switch of the current process.
> - * The act of firing the event triggers a context switch to softclock() and
> - * then switching back out again which is equivalent to a preemption, thus
> - * no further work is needed on the local CPU.
> - */
> -/* ARGSUSED */
> -static void
> -roundrobin(arg)
> -void *arg;
> -{
> -
> -#ifdef SMP
> -mtx_lock_spin(&sched_lock);
> -forward_roundrobin();
> -mtx_unlock_spin(&sched_lock);
> -#endif
> -
> -callout_reset(&roundrobin_callout, sched_quantum, roundrobin, NULL);
> -}
> -
> -/*
> * Constants for digital decay and forget:
> *90% of (p_estcpu) usage in 5 * loadav time
> *95% of (p_pctcpu) usage in 60 seconds (load insensitive)
> @@ -225,7 +203,7 @@
> #definedecay_cpu(loadfac, cpu)(((loadfac) * (cpu)) / ((loadfac) + FSCALE))
> /* decay 95% of `p_pctcpu' in 60 seconds; see CCPU_SHIFT before changing */
> -static fixpt_tccpu = 0.95122942450071400909 * FSCALE;/* exp(-1/20) */
> +fixpt_tccpu = 0.95122942450071400909 * FSCALE;/* exp(-1/20) */
> SYSCTL_INT(_kern, OID_AUTO, ccpu, CTLFLAG_RD, &ccpu, 0, "");
> /* kernel uses `FSCALE', userland (SHOULD) use kern.fscale */
> @@ -255,105 +233,15 @@
> schedcpu(arg)
> void *arg;
> {
> -register fixpt_t loadfac = loadfactor(averunnable.ldavg[0]);
> -struct thread *td;
> struct proc *p;
> -struct kse *ke;
> struct ksegrp *kg;
> -int realstathz;
> -int awake;
> -realstathz = stathz ? stathz : hz;
> sx_slock(&allproc_lock);
> mtx_lock_spin(&sched_lock);
> p->p_swtime++;
> -awake = 0;
> -/*
> - * Increment time in/out of memory and sleep
> - * time (if sleeping). We ignore overflow;
> - * with 16-bit int's (remember them?)
> - * overflow takes 45 days.
> - */
> -/* XXXKSE **WRONG***/
> -/*
> - * the kse slptimes are not touched in wakeup
> - * because the thread may not HAVE a KSE
> - */
> -if ((ke->ke_state == KES_ONRUNQ) ||
> - ((ke->ke_state == KES_THREAD) &&
> - (ke->ke_thread->td_state == TDS_RUNNING))) {
> -ke->ke_slptime++;
> -} else {
> -ke->ke_slptime = 0;
> -awake = 1;
> -}
> -
> -/*
> - * pctcpu is only for ps?
> - * Do it per kse.. and add them up at the end?
> - * XXXKSE
> - */
> -ke->ke_pctcpu = (ke->ke_pctcpu * ccpu) >> FSHIFT;
> -/*
> - * If the kse has been idle the entire second,
> - * stop recalculating its priority until
> - * it wakes up.
> - */
> -if (ke->ke_slptime > 1) {
> -continue;
> -}
> -
> -ke->ke_pctcpu += (realstathz == 100) ?
> - ((fixpt_t) ke->ke_cpticks) <<
> - 100 * (((fixpt_t) ke->ke_cpticks) <<
> - (FSHIFT - CCPU_SHIFT)) / realstathz;
> -#else
> -ke->ke_pctcpu += ((FSCALE - ccpu) *
> - (ke->ke_cpticks * FSCALE / realstathz)) >>
> -#endif
> -ke->ke_cpticks = 0;
> -} /* end of kse loop */
> -if (awake == 0) {
> -kg->kg_slptime++;
> -} else {
> -kg->kg_slptime = 0;
> -}
> -kg->kg_estcpu = decay_cpu(loadfac, kg->kg_estcpu);
> - resetpriority(kg);
> -int changedqueue;
> -if (td->td_priority >= PUSER) {
> -/*
> - * Only change the priority
> - * of threads that are still at their
> - * user priority.
> - * XXXKSE This is problematic
> - * as we may need to re-order
> - * the threads on the KSEG list.
> - */
> -changedqueue =
> - ((td->td_priority / RQ_PPQ) !=
> - (kg->kg_user_pri / RQ_PPQ));
> -
> -td->td_priority = kg->kg_user_pri;
> -if (changedqueue &&
> - td->td_state == TDS_RUNQ) {
> -/* this could be optimised */
> -remrunqueue(td);
> -td->td_priority =
> - kg->kg_user_pri;
> -setrunqueue(td);
> -} else {
> -td->td_priority = kg->kg_user_pri;
> -}
> -}
> -}
> +schedcpu1(kg);
> } /* end of ksegrp loop */
> mtx_unlock_spin(&sched_lock);
> } /* end of process loop */
> @@ -944,32 +832,6 @@
> }
> /*
> - * Compute the priority of a process when running in user mode.
> - * Arrange to reschedule if the resulting priority is better
> - * than that of the current process.
> - */
> -void
> -resetpriority(kg)
> -register struct ksegrp *kg;
> -{
> -register unsigned int newpriority;
> -struct thread *td;
> -
> -mtx_lock_spin(&sched_lock);
> -if (kg->kg_pri_class == PRI_TIMESHARE) {
> -newpriority = PUSER + kg->kg_estcpu / INVERSE_ESTCPU_WEIGHT +
> - NICE_WEIGHT * (kg->kg_nice - PRIO_MIN);
> -newpriority = min(max(newpriority, PRI_MIN_TIMESHARE),
> -kg->kg_user_pri = newpriority;
> -}
> -maybe_resched(td);/* XXXKSE silly */
> -}
> -mtx_unlock_spin(&sched_lock);
> -}
> -
> -/*
> * Compute a tenex style load average of a quantity on
> * 1, 5 and 15 minute intervals.
> * XXXKSE Needs complete rewrite when correct info is available.
> @@ -1022,11 +884,9 @@
> {
> callout_init(&schedcpu_callout, 1);
> -callout_init(&roundrobin_callout, 0);
> callout_init(&loadav_callout, 0);
> /* Kick off timeout driven events by calling first time. */
> -roundrobin(NULL);
> schedcpu(NULL);
> loadav(NULL);
> }
> ----- End forwarded message -----
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