Illustrated TCP/IP Illustrated TCP/IP
by Matthew G. Naugle
Wiley Computer Publishing, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN: 0471196568   Pub Date: 11/01/98

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Chapter 338
RSVP Summary

RSVP Summary

  Resource ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP) is a protocol used to reserve network resources along the transmission path(s) of a datastream:
  The goal being to obtain optimal QoS for that application instance
  RSVP communicates between sending and receiving hosts with the receivers creating the actual reservation for the session:
  Reservations are made by receivers upstream back towards the sender(s)
  The focus of reservations is on Network layer resources in interconnecting devices (i.e., routers, or devices acting as routers)

The following slide summarizes the chapter.

The following slide is a continuation of the summary.

RSVP Summary (continued)

  RSVP operates on top of IP, occupying the place of a Transport protocol and works as an internet control protocol similar to ICMP.
  Supports unicast and multicast protocols:
  Designed to accommodate large, heterogeneous groups of users with dynamic memberships and topology
  RSVP is unidirectional, or only makes reservations in one direction for data flows.
  Once a reservation is made, it’s maintained by using “soft state” in the routers:
  Soft state provides graceful support for membership changes and adaptation to routing changes

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