Illustrated TCP/IP Illustrated TCP/IP
by Matthew G. Naugle
Wiley Computer Publishing, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN: 0471196568   Pub Date: 11/01/98

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Chapter 217


  RTP does not provide any QoS capabilities.
  RTP does not guarantee delivery or out-of-sequence packets.
  RTP is only a framework.
  Molded into an application
  RTP is extensible.
  More information can be added to the packet passed between RTP clients and servers

RTP does not provide for any Quality of Service (QoS) parameters such as those that allow for timely delivery. RTP does not guarantee delivery or in-sequence packets. It provides sequencing, but merely for the transport sequencing of placing the order of packets in operations like decoding; however, the packets can be decoded out of receiving sequence. Like most other TCP/IP protocols, a protocol is a protocol and not two protocols. RTP expects other TCP/IP protocols to provide for QoS services.

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