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Illustrated TCP/IP
by Matthew G. Naugle Wiley Computer Publishing, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN: 0471196568 Pub Date: 11/01/98 |
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Here is where RIP really shows off the limitations. Try and build a large network based on RIP. RIP was designed for small stable networks. It states this in the Xerox documentation. RIP does not handle growth very well. This problem is twofold. The first limitation is that a destination network may be no more than 15 hops away in diameter (a distance of 16 in any routing table indicates the network is unreachable). Careful planning is needed to implement large-scale networks based on the RIP protocol.
The other scaling problem is the propagation of routing information. Four terms need to be understood here, for they are used quite frequently: split horizon, hold-down timer, poisoned reverse, and triggered updates.
Refer to the slide. With router A directly attached to network z, it advertises that route through all its ports as a distance of 1 (whatever the RIP-assigned cost of the port that attaches to that network is). Router B receives this and updates its table as network z1 with a distance of 2. Router B then broadcasts its table (at the 30-second update timer) and router C receives this and updates its table as network n with a distance of 3. Notice that all routers broadcast all the information in their tables through all ports (even the ports from which they received the update).
Why would router B broadcast a reachability of network z when router A already has a direct attachment to it? Wouldnt this confuse router A if network z is located? Normally it would, but remember that the only changes that a router will make to its tables is when the hop-count distance is lower, is a new entry, or if the next hop router path taken to a network changes its hop count. Since that hop count is higher, router A will simply ignore that particular entry in the update table.
Using the original algorithm, a serious problem occurs when router A loses it reachability to network z. It will update its table entry for that network with a distance of 16 (16 indicates not reachable), but will wait to broadcast this information until the next scheduled RIP update. So far, so good, but if router B broadcasts its routing table before router A (notice that not all routers broadcast their tables at the same time), router A will then see that router B has a shorter path to network z than it does (a distance of 2 for router B versus a distance of 16 for router A). Router A will change its entry for network z. Now, router A, on its next RIP update broadcast, will announce that it has a path to network z with a distance of 3 (2 from the table entry received from router B plus 1 to reach router B). There is now a loop between routers A and B. A packet destined for network z will be passed between routers A and B until the TTL counter is 0. When router B receives a packet destined for network z, it will forward the packet to router A; router A will forward it back to router B; and this will continue until the TTL field reaches 0. This is known as looping. The RIP protocol works extremely well in a stable environment (an environment where routers and their networks rarely change). The process of clearing out dead routes and providing alternate paths is known as convergence.
Even future RIP updates will not quickly fix the convergence in this case. Each update (every 30-second default) will add 1 to the table entry, and it will take a few updates to outdate the entry in these routers. This is known as slow convergence, and it causes errors in routing tables and routing loops to occur. What if you had a network diameter of 15 routers and each was exactly opposite on the timer to broadcast its update? In other words, when one router broadcasts its table, the receiving router just finished its broadcast. The lost route could take many minutes to update those routers at the end of the network.
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