Anarchy may not be the best form of government but it is better than no government at all Concept 1.1 - Blending ====================== Blending is the act of combining color value of pixels so that parts of the scene are translucent. So far in all our programs we have seen an alpha value associated with glColor*() command and the glClearColor() command, or the glLight*() and the glMaterial*() command.So far we have always set the alpha values to 1.0 So what does the alpha value do?. ================================= Without blending, each new fragment overwrites any existing color values in the framebuffer, as though the fragment were opaque. When blending is enabled, the alpha value is often used to combine the color value of the fragment being processed with that of the pixel already stored in the frame buffer. Another way of looking at blending is to think of the RGB components of a fragment as representing its color and the alpha value as representing opacity. Therefore an alpha value of 1.0 implies fully opaque like a rock whereas lower alpha values would mean translucent and still lower values tend towards transparency.