What is worth doing is worth the trouble of asking someone to do. Concept 2.1 : The RGBA Display Mode ==================================== Idea: ===== OpenGL provides two different types of color display modes. These are the RGBA mode and the ColorIndex mode. In RGBA mode, the hardware sets aside a certain number of bitplanes for each of the R,G,B, and A components. The R,G, and B values are typically stored as integers rather than floating point numbers and they are scaled to the number of available bits for storage and retrieval. For example if a systems has 8 bits available for the R component, integers between 0 and 255 can be stored: thus 0, 1, 2, ..., 255 in the bitplanes would correspond to (R)ed values of 0/255=0.0, 1/255, 2/255, ..., 255/255=1.0. The main point being that regardless of the number of bitplanes 0.0, specifies the minimum intensity and the 1.0 specifies the maximum intensity. The Alpha value the A in RGBA has no direct effect on the color displayed on the screen. It can be used for many things, including blending and transparency (Chap 6). Dithering ========= Dithering is the technique of using combinations of some colors to create the effect of other colors. i.e. it is a method for graphics hardware to increase the number of apparent colors. Suppose your system has only 1 bit each for R,G, and B and thus can display only eight colors: black, white, red, blue, green , yellow, cyan, and magenta. To display a pink region, the hardware can fill the region in a checkerboard manner, alternating red and white pixels. If the eye is far enouugh away from the screen, that it cant distinguish individual pixels, the region apears pink. You enable or disable dithering by passing GL_DITHER to glEnable() or glDisable(). Note that dithering, unlike many other features is enabled by defualt.