How to hack a Mail Server: By Loop First, use a telnet application to go to your internet server at Port 25 (this is important!) It should say something like Welcome to blah blah server and then be blank a blank cursor. type in (not misspelled) HELO some server that doesn't exsist. Like then type MAIL FROM: Who ever you what it to be from(can be fake!) RCPT TO: Who you are sending to(should be real) DATA Hit enter, then type your message. To finish type a period on a line by itself That should do it! I am trying to figure out how to attach a file What would happen: Welcome to blah blah HELO MAIL FROM: RCPT TO: DATA Hi there idiot! . Message sent Servers Any mail server will work! check out my HotLine server, the ip is dynamic for right now but im on all mac trackers -Loop